Wisdom offers three different deployment options: (1) in-app usage as a Java library, (2) stand-alone deployment as a microservice, (3) Wisdom Orchestra deployment.
Wisdom Library
This is the recommended method to use Wisdom if you are developing a new Wisdom rule or if you want to playwith Wisdom. It is also recommended for applications require in-app complex event processing. Please check the Getting Started guidelines to use Wisdom as a library.
Wisdom Service
Wisdom Service is recommended if you are deploying a stand-alone CEP rule which requires HTTP endpoints and/or more system resources to be allocated. You can either use the Wisdom server to run your query or develop your own microservice to run your Wisdom app.
Deploy Wisdom Query Using Wisdom Server
Step 1: Email the author(slgobinath@gmail.com
) and get the Wisdom Server pack.
Step 2: Extract the zip file and navigate into the extracted directory.
unzip product-wisdom-0.0.1.zip
cd product-wisdom-0.0.1
Step 3: Save the following Wisdom query into the artifacts
directory with a name: stock_filter.wisdomql
@app(name='stock_filter', version='1.0.0')
@source(type='http', mapping='json')
def stream StockStream;
def stream OutputStream;
from StockStream
filter symbol == 'AMAZON'
select symbol, price
insert into OutputStream;
Step 4: Start the Wisdom Service on port 8080
using the following command:
sh wisdom-service.sh --port 8080 artifacts/stock_filter.wisdomql
Step 5: Using Postman or similar tools, send an event using HTTP POST request. For simplicity, we use curl
to send the request.
curl -d '{"symbol": "AMAZON", "price": 120.0, "volume": 10}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/WisdomApp/StockStream
After sending this request, you should see the the following output in the terminal running Wisdom service:
Event{timestamp=1524757628355, stream=OutputStream, data={symbol=AMAZON, price=120.0}, expired=false}
Wisdom Orchestra
Wisdom Orchestra deployment is a fancy name I use to refer managing Wisdom instances using Wisdom Manager. Wisdom Manager is a specially designed tool to deploy and manage Wisdom services. It can be used to deploy stand-alone Wisdom services or to deploy self-boosting Wisdom environment.
Wisdom Manager often requires Apache Kafka to coordinate and communicate with Wisdom instances. Therefore, please setup and start Apache Kakfa before running Wisdom Manager.
Step 1: Download and extract the latest Apache Kafka anywhere in your system.
Step 2: Start Apache Kafka using the following two commands from KAFKA_HOME
# Start Zookeeper server
sh bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
# Start Kafka server
sh bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
Step 3: Open another terminal in WISDOM_HOME
and start the Wisdom Manager.
sh wisdom-manager.sh
Step 4: Send an HTTP POST request with a Wisdom query along with a port to start that query.
curl -d "{\"query\": \"@app(name='stock_filter', version='1.0.0') \
@source(type='http', mapping='json') \
def stream StockStream; \
@sink(type='file.text', path='/tmp/OutputStream.txt') \
def stream OutputStream; \
@query(name='FilterQuery') \
from StockStream \
filter symbol == 'AMAZON' \
select symbol, price \
insert into OutputStream;\", \"port\": 8085}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/WisdomManager/app
Note that the OutputStream sink is a text file: /tmp/OutputStream.txt
Step 5: Start stock_filter
by sending another POST request.
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/WisdomManager/start/stock_filter
Step 06: Test stock_filter
by sending a stock event.
curl -d '{"symbol": "AMAZON", "price": 120.0, "volume": 10}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8085/WisdomApp/StockStream
After sending above event, you should have a file /tmp/OutputStream.txt
with the following content:
Event{timestamp=1524761284277, stream=OutputStream, data={symbol=AMAZON, price=120.0}, expired=false}
Step 07: Stop the stock_filter
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/WisdomManager/stop/stock_filter
Step 08: Delete the stock_filter
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/WisdomManager/app/stock_filter
Step 09: Stop the Wisdom Manager
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/WisdomManager/stop